Saturday, October 03, 2009

Sleeping through the night

This is a question that plagues parents. Is your baby sleeping through the night? Why is he/she not sleeping through the night? Here, have my advice on how to make your baby sleep through the night. Not listening or trying to ignore me? Here, read these books on getting babies to sleep through the night!


I have been told that I am damaging my son by not regimenting him to sleep through the night. I am doing him a disservice by not training him how to sleep.

Here are my ideas about sleep and our son; He is not a puppy, kitten, parakeet, puppet, or any other form of trainable animal. He is a human being to be treated with respect, love, and kindness. I was always treated as though I knew everything and asked for clarification if I needed it or when I didn't fully understand. I feel this has really helped with my ability to read people, learn contextual subjects, and have a lot of confidence in my brains. Talon is a baby, with a tiny bladder, a tiny stomach, and a tiny attention span. Counter to belief feeding him solids did not help him sleep through the night, it made him worse. Crying out did not work. Johnson & Johnson's special bedtime wash and lotion with "Natural Calm" made him sleep worse. To me, this all spelled out one thing:

He simply isn't ready or calm enough yet to sleep through the night.

And I am okay with it. Chad is okay with it. We are tired, and sleepy, occasionally grumpy but before we know it, Talon will be 16, begging for us to quit banging on his door and give him 10 more minutes. We get maybe 2 years of him needing our love and our comfort. Maybe 3 years of him sleeping in our bed, enjoying to snuggle between Mami and Papa. Some days we handle it worse than others, but most of the time, we keep it in perspective. He'll sleep when he's ready and parenting is a 24/7 job. Parenting does not stop for sleep, it continues. And because Talon deserves the best, we will give him everything that we have inside of us because we are parents. We are his parents, and dammit, we're good at it.

Friday, October 02, 2009

18 kids and sewing that s*** up

It seems that the Duggars have been in the Hollywood rags a lot lately. Apparently producing more children than a farm does potatoes is amazing.

But it does lead to an interesting question.

Am I done, with just one kid? Am I ready to throw off the shackles of diapers and prepare to move on with one child growing up? Simply, I'm not sure.

Chad has always wanted a large family, but I have never wanted a family. I have never wanted to be responsible for anyone but myself. Obviously that has changed but I still feel doubt. Mom's are amazing powerful women with kind words, sly lessons, patience, long hair, and unending beauty. So how the hell do I make the cut?

From the minute Talon was born, it was painful to watch him grow. But, it was also jaw dropping. To watch him learn about his hands and feet, his mouth. Likes, and dislikes. I feel like I am doing a good job, but do I want to risk it again?

Chad says he wants 6 children...I think my counter offer will be 3. This is only because Chad and I are too awesome to not produce. ^_^