Thursday, September 17, 2009

The 4 month well check

Obviously for me, I have the idea of daily and monthly switched when it comes to posting, but I digress.

Today was the 4 month well check as well as the second day that I went to the Doctors in one week. The last appointment was due to these strange bumps growing at the back of his head. This simple new mom concern exploded into the idea that he wasn't gaining enough weight, that his head was too small, my breast milk wasn't good enough and of course, I need to get him circumcised and use cloth diapers, (I use what is left of my disposible diapers when we are traveling).

All in all, this appointment managed to piss me off and completely make me loose all faith in my pediatrician but

Here is where the plot thickens!
I was ACTUALLY seeing a nurse practitioner who the office makes you see every other visit because my doctor is just too busy. A normal and standard procedure in terms of busy city life and babies that she failed to mention! She was fine letting me believe that she was also a pediatrician.  So I reschedule for an actual appointment with the DOCTOR. You know, the one in debt up to his arse who has a Phd. 
Reassurance is given
My baby, while fussy and on a very strange schedule. Is better than normal, he has no weight problem but is perfect. He is like a baby from an earlier era because although he follows the curve at 30% below average, he is steady growing. He height is more than his weight, which is what he wants to see. His head, while small, is growing just fine. Actually, we are were given the go ahead to start food because he has been teething, which is wonderful because he has been looking at out food and being hungry after boob for a while now. Oh yes, and then the gave him his shots and he did as well as can be expected having 4 needles jabbed into your chubby thighs.

So basically I learned that I should only see doctors less I want to get pissed off.

Oh yeah, and in the office, Talon made friends with another baby and it was amazing. I have the ability to talk to random mom's and make friends. ^_^ Hooray!

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