Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The 5 month mark

Talon turned 5 months old on Monday, the day before I started my last year of undergraduate school. Needless to say, it was both warming and breaking of the heart for the same reason; he's growing.

He has about 2mm worth of teeth and can only sit up if you brace him but he is getting so big. Because of this, there was cause for concern recently when he began to not sleep through the night. Many helpful individuals thought it would be a delicious idea for him to cry it out.

Let me back this up by saying that Talon and are are uber connected. I laugh, he laughs. I cry, he cries. He doesn't sleep, neither do I. So the idea of him laying there crying didn't appeal to me but after three nights of 2 hours of sleep and a full day of school leering at me, I decided to try it.

It is in my hope that I am never such a dumbass again. He cried for about 5 minutes until he started literally loosing it. Gasping for breath and crying even harder. I was a complete selfish idiot for doing it. Talon is 20 weeks old in this world. I'm 23 years and I barely sleep straight through the night without a pee and a poke waking me up, why should I expect him?

I have new sleep tenets. I am old enough to know that my son is not old enough to manipulate me in the way that adults do. I also know my boy well enough to know, "Mamai I need you right f-ing now!" and "Mamaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....I miss you." The cries during the night were simply, "Mamai, I miss you and need you right f-ing now" So I planned the fifth night perfectly. I would sleep for 2 hours and then be up with him, not playing, but just hold him. He slept through thte night. I had missed my chance for redemption. Talon may not remember it, but I will.

Lesson: Always listen, even more so when the person speaking cannot use the words.

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